Moving house is generally considered to be one of the most stressful events of a person’s life.
Equally, although Christmas for many of us can be great fun, it is recognised as one of the most stressful times of year. So why would anyone consider combining the two events?
Well, perhaps surprisingly, Christmas is a very popular time of year for moving home.
If you are considering moving before Christmas it is important to try and reduce the stress levels leading up to moving day.
Planning and being organised is the key.
Firstly get ready for Christmas in advance.
Get the Christmas cards written and ready for posting, also include the change of address details (this will save you time and money.)
Buy and wrap presents for Christmas well ahead of the move date and store them at a relative’s house until after the move.
If you have children, set aside time for going to carol concerts and special activities. This is a very exciting time of year for children so don’t spend all your time on the move.
Don’t host Christmas unless it is essential – arrange to spend the big day at a relative’s house.
Food shop on-line for the Christmas bank holiday and book your delivery date in plenty of time.
Pack some Christmas decorations in a separate, labelled packing case so you can make your new home look festive.
Planning for the move
Confirm a moving date and book a removal firm
Notify the utility companies of your moving date to arrange final meter readings at your current house and to ensure all the essential services will be available at your new home.
Start packing up each room at least 2 weeks before the move, decluttering as you go.
Decide which items are essential and need to be unpacked immediately
Label each box essential and non-essential and the room it is for. If you’re moving into your new home a matter of days before Christmas Day, don’t even attempt to unload every single item just unpack the essentials.
Book your broadband connection as soon as you have a removal date
Order new furniture or white goods and confirm a delivery date as soon as you have a removal date.
For further advice and help on moving at Christmas contact your local Home Estate Agents office.
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