All UK landlords must now check the immigration status of their tenants, but according to the Residential Landlords Association, the government has failed to provide enough information for landlords, so confusion reigns.
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RLA Survey of UK Landlords An RLA survey has found that 72% of landlords are unaware of their obligations under the new law. They don’t know how to carry out appropriate checks and are therefore much more likely to refuse to house anyone whose right to residency can’t easily be proven. Indeed, 44% of landlords told the RLA that they wouldn’t rent a property to anyone whose identity documents didn’t look familiar. This means that many young and/or vulnerable people will find it increasingly difficult to find landlords willing to take them on – and so will be vulnerable to renting from rogue landlords.
Policy to Deter Illegal Immigrants The government’s policy has been designed to deter illegal immigrants from looking for housing in the private rental sector, but critics say the pilot scheme carried out in the Midlands failed to produce enough evidence to show the scheme was effective.
“The Government argues that its ‘Right to Rent’ plans form part of a package to make the UK a more hostile environment for illegal immigrants,” says Dr David Smith from the RLA.
“The evidence shows that it is creating a more hostile environment for good landlords and legitimate tenants.”