HMO landlords end up in the news more than most, usually as a result of failing to meet their obligations to tenants.
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Landlord Prosecuted A landlord in Nuneaton is a prime example of this, but after being fined nearly £11k by Nuneaton County Court, he might now change his ways. The landlord in question was prosecuted for failing to provide or maintain fire precautions in a HMO. The poor state of the building was only uncovered when a fire broke out in a shared kitchen and Fire Services were called out to deal with it.
Serious Safety Breaches A subsequent investigation found that doors had been removed so fire could not be contained, there was no working smoke alarm, outbuildings and a garage had been illegally converted, and no gas or electric inspections had been carried out.
Magistrates described the offences as “very serious” as the landlord had put his tenants’ lives in danger.
In a statement to the local press, the spokesperson for Nuneaton Housing Services said:
“The vast majority of landlords work well with the council and provide good quality accommodation. The situation at 82 Westlea Road could easily have had a tragic outcome. Council officers will not hesitate to prosecute where tenants’ health and safety is put at risk by landlords blatantly disregarding the law.”